05/06 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09
Service Cost Centre Description Cost Centre  Detail     Description Actuals £ Budget £ Budget £ Budget £ Budget £
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3513    Network Mtce - Upd   2100 9700 9900 10100 10300
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3534    Internet Provision       20163 19900 20400 20800 21200
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3544    Software - CRM Sys    7246 33300 40000 40800 41600
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3545    Software - Pay Mod   36628 36600 0 0 0
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3560    Software NNDR         3000 3000 6100 6200 6300
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3561    Equipment Mtce - U   23104 24000 24600 25100 25600
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3562    Software - BACS      1751 14000 13000 13300 13600
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3563    Software - Anite T   36872 36800 37600 38400 39200
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3564    Software - LLPG      150 5000 5100 5200 5300
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3565    Software - Arcview   13813 6500 6600 6700 6800
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3566    Software Committee   5000 5000 5100 5200 5300
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3568    Software - Experian   5422 0 0 0 0
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3569    Electronic Documen   0 0 18000 18000 19000
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3570    Bulky Waste Softwar   0 15000 0 0 0
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3571    Software Hsg Manag   15952 10100 10100 10300 10500
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3575    Software Asset Man        8195 8200 8900 9100 9300
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3576    Software - Dip Sys   38675 17300 17700 18100 18500
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3577    Software Mortgages   500 800 800 800 800
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3580    Disaster Provision   15900 16000 16000 16000 16000
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3581    Software - Puma      1885 8000 8200 8400 8600
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3582    Software - Flare     11657 11200 11500 11700 11900
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3587    Network Mtce - Fix   5298 9300 9500 9700 9900
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3590    Equipment Mtce - F   25841 26400 23000 24500 25100
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3591    Software Finance S   53825 33400 34200 34900 35600
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3592    Software Miscellan   1889 1700 1700 1700 1700
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3593    Software Council T   31624 41200 50400 51400 52400
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3594    Software Payroll-P   15694 15300 15700 16000 16300
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3595    Software Planning-   17508 17500 17900 18300 18700
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3596    Software - Saffron   11817 12000 0 0 0
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3598    Software Leisure     14645 14600 22600 23100 23600
Information Services Information Services 12022  E3599    Waste Manager Main   750 800 800 800 800
Information Services Information Services 12022 Sub Totals 426904 452600 435400 444600 453900
Economic Development Tourism Policy & Development 07021 E3534 Internet Provision 0 3100 5200 5300 5400
Planning & Building Control Building Control Mgmt & Admin 01002 E3540 Computer Equip 114 200 200 200 200
Planning & Building Control Planning Mgmt & Admin 01021 E3540 Computer Equip 1924 3200 3300 3400 3500
Planning & Building Control Planning Delivery 01100 E3540 Computer Equip 7868 14300 0 0 0
Legal Services Licensing Mgmt & Admin 02504 E3540 Computer Equip 4555 4200 4300 4400 4500
Economic Development Tourism Services Mgmt & Admin 07047 E3540 Computer Equip 5630 5400 5500 5600 5700
Director of Regeneration Neighbourhood Mgmt 09100 E3540 Computer Equip 28 300 2000 500 500
Director of Regeneration Lancaster Vision Board 09125 E3540 Computer Equip 129 4000 0 0 0
Management Team Communications Mgmt & Admin 12060 E3540 Computer Equip 151 500 500 500 500
Council Housing Services Council Housing Mgmt & Admin 20007 E3550 Computer Equip Run 17005 74100 6800 6900 7000
Council Housing Services Central Control 20040 E3550 Computer Equip Run 14294 13900 14200 14500 14800
Corporate Strategy Corporate Strategy 12003 E3569 Electronic Doc Mgmt  0 2200 2400 2400 2400
Health & Stategic Housing Winning Back West End 16043 E3575 Software Asset Mgmt 108 0 0 0 0
Council Housing Services Council Housing Mgmt & Admin 20007 E3592 Software Misc 0 10500 32700 16000 16300
City Contract Services City Contract Servs Mgmt & Admin 26000 E3592 Software Misc 1155 1200 1200 1200 1200
Totals 479865 589700 513700 505500 515900
Please note: there is a ledger code, E3094 Equipment Funded by Reserves, which appears in a number of cost centres and may contain some expenditure relating to computer equipment. However, I would need to spend some time on analysing this to pick out any computer related costs.